Dogpile argues by combining search methods from several search sites they arer able to deliver a "comprehensive result set that bring the best results from the top engines to the first results page". (Different Engines, Different Results, 2007)
At first glance all search methods were equal in returning valid results but none were particularly exciting. I suspect this maybe due to the broad nature of the topic I chose to search.
- The meta search tools returned significantly less results that Google
- Dogpiles 4 out of the top 5 returns were paid ads on Goggle searches
- Clusty did not use the Google data base but returned very similar results
Overall, the searches from these three did not result in better quality information, it just a gave a broader response. (Are "Smarter" Meta-Searchers Still Smarter?, 2009)
Are "Smarter" Meta-Searchers Still Smarter? (2008). Retrieved April 25, 2009, from
Different Engines, Different Results. (2007). Retrieved April 20, 2009 from