Thursday, March 26, 2009

HTML part 6

After thinking a bit harder about the difference between html and blogging, I think the real question should be, "what is the difference between web pages and blogging". After all, behind the facade of the blog entry system—in this case Blogger, is essentially html (and some other code such as Javascript). It's just the process of how to enter the information onto a page.

But answering my question, the real difference between web pages and blogs are tremendous when you consider the style of writing. Blogs are friendly, interesting, rambling, fun and personal (well my blog is) but webs site tend to be static, dull, predictable and hardly ever updated (at least compared to my blog). Remember, I'm talking (or typing) about the words. Sample of a dull web site.

So, all I'm say is there are more difference if you scratch the surface, kick the tyres and smell the roses. Take a second look and you'll see.

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